Paraview Plugin for FEMZIP-ENSG and FEMZIP-OpenFOAM compressed data

We are pleased to announce the first integration of FEMZIP-ENSG and FEMZIP-OpenFOAM decompression libraries into Paraview. By loading our FEMZIP-Paraview-Plugin that is based on our FEMZIP-Ensight-API you can directly postprocess your FEMZIP-compressed files. We performed time measurements on the TU Munich DriVaer model, that show fast postprocessing speeds. Especially for loading field variables, we gain a speedup compared to the nonparallel OpenFOAM and EnSight Gold data readers. For loading noncached data, processing the compressed data is faster anyways.


SIDACT at NAFEMS DACH 24 Conference, June 10 - 12, 2024 in Bamberg
SIDACT at 14th European LS-DYNA Conference, October 17 - 19, 2023 in Baden-Baden
SIDACT at NAFEMS World Congress 23, May 15-18, 2023 in Tampa, Florida
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