The use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in engineering applications generates tremendous amounts of data. We offer a set of newly developed FEMZIP data compression tools specialized for CFD data. Currently, we support EnSight Gold format and OpenFOAM format.

EnSight Gold format

A variety of CFD simulation results can be converted to the EnSight Gold format. Therefore, even if it is not your standard format, this format is a good way to test the potential of FEMZIP-CFD on your problems.

Usually, CFD results stored in the EnSight Gold format can be reduced by a factor between 5 and 10 depending on the simulation type. Output data from wind tunnel simulations can usually be compressed by a factor of over 5 for steady-state problems, whereas factors around 7-8 are achieved in the transient case.



For OpenFOAM simulations, we support the formats starting from OpenFOAM version 2.3.0. The compression factors are about 5-8 for steady state models and up to 10-15 for transient models.

The SIDACT software products in the OpenFOAM area go far beyond a standard compression and decompression tool.
In addition to standard compression, we also offer on-the-fly compression that runs in parallel to OpenFOAM simulation. An application is particularly useful in cases where several time steps for postprocessing are to be provided. With this technique the data can be held on the local cluster disks. On basis of the compressed data evaluations can be made in ParaView with the help of our MPI parallel ParaView Plugin. If postprocessing on a local workstation is preferred, the simulation result can be summarized with our MPI parallel conversion tool, which replaces foamToEnsight. Especially for models with several time steps, our conversion tool is faster and more stable than foamToEnsight

The conversion of a model that has been divided among 960 processors, 80 million cells, 11 time steps and 11 variables has an uncompressed size of 63GB and takes 5208 seconds with foamToEnsight. The conversion based on the FEMZIP-FOAM compressed format using the FEMZIP-FOAM converter takes only 147 seconds. The result of the conversion step is a FEMZIP compressed model that is similar to the EnSight Gold format, but still contains the processor split.
During the compression and conversion processes, we determine metadata with the help of which we can significantly accelerate postprocessing, especially in ANSYS EnSight. For a model with 253 million cells decomposed into 960 processors, the initial loading of the geometry with the standard visualization mode "2D full, 3D feature" is 2.5 - 3 times faster for FEMZIP-OF converted data compared to the initial loading time of the same model in EnSight Gold format.


Supported Post-Processors:

  • FEMZIP-ENSG (Ensight Gold format)
  • FEMZIP-ERFH5 (Meshfree)
  • ANSYS EnSight
  • ParaView


SIDACT at NAFEMS World Congress 25, May 19-22, 2025 in Salzburg, Austria
SIDACT at CAE Grand Challenge, April 08 - 09, 2025 in Hanau, Germany
SIDACT at NAFEMS "AI and ML in Simulation Driven Design Conference", November 20 - 21, 2024 in Lund, Sweden
Renewed TISAX Label for SIDACT
SIDACT at NAFEMS DACH 24 Conference, June 10 - 12, 2024 in Bamberg
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Werksstudent FEMZIP
Softwareentwicklung FEMZIP
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